My Mathography
I like mathematics because every time I solve a math problem it becomes an important challenge to me, a challenge that must be achieved with an answer and my best effort. There are more reasons why I like math and another one is that every time I use it I learn something new. Math is very important to me because besides school, it also takes place in your life and is something you use every day and almost at any time. It has never been too difficult for me to learn math, even thought I don't always get the right answer I know I tried my best and I feel very confident of myself without getting disappointed because I know that at least I learn how I can solve it the next time.
I've always been pretty good in math at High School. I have taken Algebra which I passed with an A Geometry which I passed with a B and Trigonometry which has been the only class that I've ever failed but it was because I missed that class too much, although the class wasn't too hard. My first experiences with Mathematics began as a young girl when my mother taught me to count from one to ten. I began counting fingers then toes until ten was a distant accomplishment and larger numbers were becoming my perspectives. It seemed learning to count and use numbers was easier for me than learning how to read and write. Then when I had learned how to count up to one hundred came the adding and subtracting which I had a lot of fun for the first time. Other important experience with math at school is when I learned how to measure and then came multiplying and dividing. I always liked math the most of all my subjects in school.